Strength Made Simple

12 week DIY Full Body Strength Training Program designed specifically for folks in postpartum or parenthood

So you can take the guesswork out of your fitness training, and get back to movement that makes you feel good

Your life is full

You don’t have time to fit in hour long workouts

Or spend hours trying to figure out which exercises are right for you

Especially when you don’t really like exercise all that much in the first place

Buuuuut you know you would feel so. much. better. if you could find the motivation to get started…

It’s hard to navigate postpartum fitness

But it doesn’t have to be

You just need the right support.

I can get you started right from your own home with an efficient program that 

  • Respects your time

  • Supports you and provides education in navigating exercise in a way that is right for your body

  • Will leave you feeling energized rather than depleted (hello, motivation!)

  • Provides you with the gentle accountability you need


so that you can build the strength and comfort you need in your body during this season of life

Here’s what you get:

  • 12 week Progressive Full Body Strength Training Program delivered via PDF, with video demonstrations of each exercise.

  • 3 workouts / week, each meant to take a realistic 20-30 mins, that blend Strength, Pilates, Mobility and core/ pelvic floor exercises

  • Workouts progressively build over 12 weeks to safely and efficiently build up your body's tolerance and resilience

  • PDF package with information on how and when to modify so you can feel confident which exercises are safe and effective for YOU at this phase in your postpartum journey

All this for $149

This is a strength training program, so you are encouraged to have access to:

  • One set of medium weight dumbbells (10-20 lbs)

  • One heavier weight dumbbell or kettlebell (20-40 lbs) 

  • Resistance bands of varying tensions.

(That being said, we can work around what you do have access to.)

Please note: accessibility is very important to me. If price is a limiting factor for you, let’s chat and see if we can make something work for you. 

Hi, I’m Hannah

I’m a Registered Massage Therapist, Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, Pilates Instructor and Birth and Postpartum Doula. I’m a mover, a healer, a listener, an educator and an advocate. I bring a depth of experience and a holistic approach to the birth and postpartum space.

I have a Masters degree in Kinesiology and have worked as a strength trainer for elite athletes, professional dancers and everyday folk for over a decade. I have extensive and specialized training working with folks during pregnancy and postpartum and approach bodies from both a strength and conditioning and Pilates rehabilitative approach.

In 2020 I was given the privilege of birthing my son and went through the truly transformative journey of becoming a mother. I saw in a new way how underserved folks in the prenatal and postnatal chapters are and it ignited a passion within me to support this community.

I lead with my values. I believe that Black Lives Matter, Indigenous Lives Matter, Trans Lives Matter, and that the body is deeply political. I acknowledge my privileges as a white, cis-hetero, able bodied woman and remain committed to listening, reflecting and embodying the work of antiracism.

I believe your body does not need to change in shape or size to become good but with strategic and targeted support, movement has the capacity to heal and can be vital to wellness.

Above all else, I believe that each person knows their body best.

I am TIRED of a wellness industry that has us believing that our bodies are too big, too weak, too broken.

I’m on a mission to do fitness differently and to help you feel liberated in your body.

This program is for you if you:

  • Are a busy mom/parent who wants to begin (or get back to) movement but needs a little push

  • Don’t really LIKE exercising…but you know that you will feel better in your body if you start

  • Don't want to join a gym or don't feel that comfortable in big gym settings (me too!)

  • Are looking for something you can jump right into (today!) at home, with minimal equipment

  • Want exercise to leave you feeling energized rather than depleted

  • Need support to stay motivated and want the gentle accountability of an already designed program to commit to a movement practice for 12 weeks

This program is not for you if you:

  • Have very specific athletic goals - a more individualized program would likely serve you better

  • Are looking for nutrition advice (not in my scope of expertise or interest TBH!)

  • Are interested in weight loss training or have strict aesthetic goals.

  • Are dealing with serious and specific injuries or symptoms - A more personalized form of support would likely suit you better.

  • Need the accountability that comes from working 1:1 with a coach.

What folks are saying about Strength Made Simple

“I used to always think I had to exercise hard and give it my all, or else it wasn’t worth it. And was skeptical that this program would change anything for me, but it felt realistic and achievable because it was such short workouts so I felt like I had nothing to lose.

And then last week, I realized that I had gone from barely being able to lift myself up in a side plank to doing three LEGIT ones, on both sides, for 60 seconds each!!! It made me realize how impactful “small” actions can be if I can just be (fairly) consistent and patient with myself. It reminded me of the importance of grace in my life, as opposed to feeling like I needed to suffer for it to matter”

“I think for what I've been looking for, this program provided exactly what I needed. Thanks!”

“This has been the first consistent exercise since giving birth that I have been able to maintain”

“I have the ability to do more than I thought and that strengthening really can be beneficial to the pain I experience -- this has been a DRAMATIC shift in my understanding of how to move my body. I don't have to wait to be perfectly discomfort free before working out but rather can adjust to what works best for me that day”

“I’m experiencing the joy of movement again and feeling more like myself!”

“I have noticed I'm working more parts of my body than I previously was thanks to the range of exercises”

  • Ideally you have access to one set of medium weight dumbbells (10-20lbs), one heavier weight dumbbell or kettlebell (20-40lbs) and varying tension stretchy bands. That being said, we can work around what you have access to and all exercises can be modified depending on what you have access to.

  • No specific exercise experience is necessary for this program. This program is not appropriate for anyone in the early stages of postpartum healing (1-3 months). A base level of core connection and recovery is important first.

  • Yes! 100%, yes.

    While I do specialize working with perinatal folks, and this program was designed with postpartum folks at top of mind you do not need to be pregnant or a parent to join. Movement is movement !

  • Many of the folks who have used this program are managing diastasis recti or varying degrees of pelvic organ prolapse. The goal of this program is to allow you to gain all the benefits from a full body strength training program into your life without ramping up any of your symptoms. Often, I recommend pairing this program with a few targeted 1:1 sessions so we can modify the program in a way that serves you and your needs.

  • Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Organ Prolapse are common adaptations the body makes during the perinatal period. While many of my clients do report a decrease in symptoms this program is not specifically for the purpose of ‘healing’ POP or DR. With additional 1:1 support, we can however, adapt and modify exercises so that symptoms are not increased. It is highly recommended you also see a pelvic floor therapist to address these issues specifically.

  • I’ve been hearing from some folks who are looking for weekly or biweekly sessions together. You absolutely have the option of adding extra private coaching sessions to your program for an additional price.

12 weeks from now, 

you can have the tools and movement habit you need 

to feel empowered in your body and life

Let’s do this together.